I am sitting at the kitchen table with my netbook. My albino hubby is outside shoveling 24 inches of wintry mess from our sidewalks. Hes got every inch of his skin covered in fear of sunburn and is protecting his baby blues with these hideous sunglasses I found under the seat of his car. In an effort to look at him as a man, I tell myself the glasses were there when he bought the car. And if you ever see him in them, thats what I want YOU to think too.
A little off topic, well maybe, I dont actually know the topic yetYesterday morning I was sleepy, so I asked the hubster to make me french toast while I got ready for work. I came down what seemed like 25 minutes later and they were only half way cookedI giggled as I thought I could have fed the whole family in this amount of time, but was quite happy to not be the one cooking. When the french toast was done, I plopped it on my plate added syrup and butter and took my first bite. Then I gagged and spit it out. (in the most polite of ways) They looked great, but were totally raw in the middle. As he was putting on the second batch (he was cooking two at a time) he asked, how long do you let the bread soak in the egg mix? It was after my advice of not THIS long, that he confessed it was his very first time ever making french toast. I was honored. The second batch was worse than the first, and I had to get to work before he could try againbut I left knowing how much my husbandman loves me. It was a good day.
The diner is officially up and running. My first day was Monday, as was my first promotion and raise. The restaurant is beautiful. The owners are three cousins a little younger than myself. They were raised in the restaurant business and this is the first of their own. I love dreamers! Just knowing that three guys had the balls to put all of their savings together, move to a new town and dive into a dinerIt makes me invest in their dream as if it were my own. I have been given free reign to get all of the servers trained properly, organize anything server related and institute any procedures that will make things run smoothly. Several of the girls are single moms ( I have a heart for SMs) and some have even confessed drug/alcohol issues to me. I look forward to mentoring these (mostly younger) girls and enjoying our time building a community at the diner. I am scouting for my successor.
In other newsWhen I was a little girl I used to write faux-broadcasts and weather reports and record myself giving them. I also used to practice eating candy bars in the mirror, because I thought it would qualify me to be on commercials. (This is how my brain actually works in case you were wonderingvery random thoughts all on a thread)
In other newsHubby and I are in the final stages of making our decision to move back to my home town. I guess we have already made the decision, we are putting the finishing touches on making the plan a success. I am considering my employment options and the kids are day dreaming about being close to family and old friends again. I think they are looking forward to getting to see their dad more too. If we move into the same school district, they would get to spend lots of time with him and get to school without having to commit to choosing between parents. I am excited for them. Hubby can do music and computer geek stuff anywhereso I guess it comes down to what I will do. We have a saying in our house, it came from the hubby. I can openly admit when I am lost while driving, he on the other hand has coined the phrase Its an adventure. So, for the sake of saving faceAn adventure awaits me.