Character introduction: The husband. MY husband.
I call him the man of my dreams, but Michael is his given name. Only the first (or at worst, second) most popular boy’s name since 1954. It’s meaning, “Who is like God?”. I think it’s a little facetious to say the least. Hubby was raised in a Mennonite Home, son of a Mennonite Pastor. He is the first born son, third in a line or four siblings. I imagine his house being a lot like “Little House on the Prairie”, though I have only seen a few episodes. The only way to know “Pa” was angry was a slight gritting of the teeth and a muttering in Pennsylvania Dutch. I think “Ma” spoke softly from behind her aproned beauty, always looking for an opportunity to interject a Bible lesson into measuring flour for home-made biscuits. I know they didn’t have much in the way of cash flow, but those kids knew they were loved. They also knew they could succeed and in many ways.
Michael was the kid that did well in school, had a paper route and saved all of his earnings to buy a computer. Let me pause for a “GEEK GEEK GEEK” moment. I say that will jealousy and we all know it. A lover of knowledge and possessor of a crazy determination, he would go on to take “smart kid, that will amount to something classes” in high school. All while competing in sports in a not so shabby way. He picks up guitar somewhere along the way, and if you ever get a chance to hear, you’ll find real quick, some people find what they are born for.
After high school, Michael goes on to college doing something with communication. I say he’s an attention whore and was trying to find a way to get it from the masses. And then I realize I am blogging my life via the public internet, what a match we are. Communications wasn’t his thing, and since he would be paying for most of his college education, he made a smart move and got out. I think somewhere around here he met his first wife. They dated for like, years (always a bad idea in my book). Finally got married, bought a house and some apartments, he took computer courses and got a job as a professional geek, in the company he started out as the cleaning guy or something. See, doesn’t his life make you wanna gag, punch someone or slit your wrists? Oh, I guess there are those optimists out there that may bother to be inspired, aren’t you guys cute? The rest of us wanna punch YOU now too.
I enter the picture one year after his wife left and took their two year old daughter with her. You optimists are all like “awww, how sad, poor guy”. The others, “it’s about time reality touches down on his planet”. Me, I just liked him.